start the money talk today!

Get FREE resources that make the journey to financial literacy FUN for kids (ages 6-11) and engaging for the whole family!

Money Savvy girl holding piggy bank

did you know...

money management is a lifeskill

Children develop their money personality by the age of 5 and an education on this essential topic isn't widely accessible.

you don't have to be a financial expert to raise a money-smart child

Our team of professionals have made it fun and easy for you, because let’s face it . . . parenting is hard enough!

Savvy Kids can help

Our programs, workshops and resources teach your child financial literacy lessons in bite-sized pieces, that will last a lifetime.

Money Savvy mom and child holding piggy bank

the new age of financial literacy

Savvy Kids takes a holistic approach to financial education by combining financial literacy with emotional intelligence. Parents and educators agree . . . it’s the education they wish they had growing up.
Interested in seeing how easy it can be to talk to your kids about money?  Click here >

The benefits of being a savvy kid

a feeling of confidence

Your child will be well-informed and confident about money matters and make better choices now and in the future, when the stakes are higher.

a new role of responsibility

Your child will understand the value of money and have opportunities to feel the sense of responsibility that comes from money.

A Sense of contribution and pride

Money does’t have to be a grown-up thing anymore. Now your child can share in the “grown-up” conversations about money and be a contributor. What a great feeling!

a celebrated success path

Your child will continuously level-up their financial literacy and take many steps towards greater achievements in life and a prosperous future.

why it works



The practice of paying attention to money will become a successful habit that lasts your child a lifetime.
It doesn’t have to take a lot.  A little attention to money matters can pay off big time! 
Communication Image


The “MONEY TALK” isn’t a one-and-done conversation.  When you can talk easily and openly about money in your household you set your whole family up for a more abundant and prosperous life.



Financial literacy is closely tied to personal and family values. Establish a safe space to discuss money matters early and become your child’s first financial advisor. 

Kids Ages 6-11

Kids relate to Savvy Kids. Our characters speak a language that gets children talking. Savvy Kids is fun and engaging - the way learning should be.


Families love Savvy Kids! Our programs and materials help break the ice and get the "Money Talk" started naturally.


Teachers and schools embrace our holistic approach to money. Our programs support the financial literacy component of the curriculum.


Start the MOney talk

Get exclusive tips and FREE resources to start the “Money Talk” with your kid today!